Friday, May 25, 2012

Simple Beauty

As I prepare for a day of painting and photo shoots of recently acquired merchandise, I take the dog out to do his "business". While out walking and waiting for  him to do his "business" I take a minute to literally smell the Roses. 

These climbing Roses were acquired via Freecycle about 3 years ago and transplanted in this perfect sunny spot. They sure have been happy here and the let me know it every year in the late spring. Thank you Roses. 

While the dog is still finding the perfect place to do his "business", I decide to walk the property and see what other lovely plants are letting me know that they are happy. I find that many are happy this sunny day. My blackberries are happy as well and will be providing a bounty of gifts in several weeks. You see, wherever there is a flower a berry will "magically" appear. And they are delish! Maybe we will make some homemade vanilla ice cream to go with them!

Around the other side of the property, I could barely get through the gate as the Willow was literally greeting me with "open arms" her branches were reaching everywhere. Luckily she is forgiving and bent to let me through, though she did pat my shoulders in affection.
Finally I found some Vinca and some Lavender spending their day together in perfect harmony. 

I think i love this Lavender picture more than any!

Enjoy your day where ever you are and remember, "Stop and Smell the Roses" literally or figuratively. 

This post is being shared on Jennifer Rizzo's blog linky party.Go there to see some more wonderful gardens, you will really enjoy it!


Julia said...

Your roses are just lovely and what a pretty yard you have!


FineLine Antiques said...

Thanks so much! I am thrilled with the bounty that they put forth each year so far!

Keeping It Cozy said...

Such a beautiful yard and your roses look perfect and lovely there.